What’s new at UVM?

In less than a week, classes will begin at UVM for the 223rd time. Students have begun to return to campus, TREK programs have launched, and new student move-in happens on Friday. While students have been away from campus working, doing internships and studying abroad, we’ve had a great summer at UVM. In addition to greeting nearly 4,500 campus visitors, we’ve had an active Summer Academy for high school students with more than 100 students taking courses.

UVM also continues to do important work over the summer and has received some important accolades. Here are a few:

Summer would not be complete without a full schedule of campus improvements. From improvements to residence halls and classrooms, to updates to the library and parking lots and sidewalks, the campus is ready for students to return.

This list is a small sampling of what has been happening at UVM over the course of the past few month and is more evidence of what a great place this is for students. I can’t wait to begin to “meet” students who will be considering UVM in the application pool for fall 2015. UVM has so much to offer!

Don’t forget….check out the activity during move in on Friday. Follow the activity on Twitter (#moveuvm). Be sure also to see all that is happening during Week of Welcome. It will be a great start to the school year.

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